To keep in contact with our actors and arranged when to shoot, we thought it would be easiest to use Facebook as it has a facility to email many people at once and see everyones replies:
We also noted everyones contact details and made a timetable of when they had free periods and were able to shoot:
On our shots through November, we had a lot of trouble with the reliability of our cast. Two of our actors did not turn up to the shoots we organised on time, leading to a delay. As we were set strict time limits by the site manager at our location, this meant we did not film a couple of our shots on the 8th and 11th of November. To overcome this problem,we had to use a body double, a friend who had come to the shoot to have their hand on camera, pretending to be the hand of the actor.
We also had to think on our feet to make the best of the actors we had availible. It was nessisary to add two extra filming days to our plan during school Christmas holidays. These are: 22nd December 23rd December