In order to have a better understanding of what is needed to make a school magazine. I took the two covers above and analysed them, looking at the techniques they used and how they were effective or not effective. I then chose elements I would like to use in my own cover.
In order to practise "colour filtering" on photoshop, I was asked to design a advert for a high street shop. I decided to use Topshop and as my model was wearing tartan, I though I would go for a punk look by adding the union jack. To do this, I created a new layer and drew the pattern with the paint tool. I then blurred it using "gaussian blur" and changed it to "soft light". I had to lower the opacity to make the main image clearer. CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE.
I then practised using the "clone" tool. This is a useful tool as it means that I can remove aspects of the picture that I don't want and replace them with a realistic alternative. As you can see above, I have removed the next from the sign by replacing it with the original sign colour.
I practised editing people's faces to remove impurities and change hair and eye colour. To do this I took the above photo and first used the "Spot Healer" tool to remove obvious spots and marks on the models face. I then used the gaussian blur to make her face level and smooth. I rubbed the gaussian blur off around important features such as eyes, lips and earrings.
To change her eye colour, I made a new layer and added to spots of colour over her pupils. I made this layer "soft light" and lowered the opacity to make the colour more realistic and less bright. To change the hair colour, I changed the hue and saturation of the area.
The first thing I did was to look at a popular magazine I was interested in and analyse how it effectivly used techniques to appeal to consumers. This will help me when I start to design my own publication and I can learn how to use the conventions of magazine.